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Russian-style Crucifix Pendant Certified 585 (14kt) Rose and White Gold

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Orthodox Cross

  • Your Price
  • Metal:
    585 (14kt) rose gold, 585 (14kt) white gold
  • Weight:
  • Height:
    34mm | 1-11/32"
  • Width:
    19mm | 3/4"

Our jewelry store offers the largest selection of authentic Orthodox crosses handcrafted in Russia to strict requirements of Russian Orthodox Church. This gold cross for him or for her has meaningful acronyms praising Christ and Christianity: IC XC (Iисус Христосъ-Jesus Christ), IНЦI-'Іисус Назарянинъ, Царь Іудейскій' (Latin: Iēsus Nazarēnus, Rēx Iūdaeōrum, English: Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews), NИКА (from the Greek verb nikē - conquest). This word at the base of the cross is reminiscent of the Appearance of the Cross with the inscription "In this sign thou shalt conquer" before the Emperor Constantine to signify the triumph of Christ's over death and hell. Reverse of this true Russian cross carries inscription: 'Спаси и сохрани' ('Save and Protect, oh Lord').

Note: Chain is for presentation purposes only and is not included in cross pendant price.