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'All-Seeing Eye' Cross Pendant Certified 585 (14kt) White Gold

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Orthodox Cross

  • Your Price
  • Metal:
    585 (14kt) white gold
  • Weight:
  • Height:
    26mm | 1-1/32"
  • Width:
    12mm | 15/32"

A white gold variant of the rose gold cross 'All-Seeing Eye'. Beautiful and bright, this finely crafted Orthodox cross pendant features crucifix with a rich dimensional effect. The cross is decorated with a meaningful symbols and inscriptions praising the Christ and Christianity: 'All Seeing Eye' ('Всевидящее Око'), acronym IHЦI (INRI) represents the inscription 'Іисусъ Назарянинъ, Царь Іудейскій' (Latin: 'Iēsus Nazarēnus, Rēx Iūdaeōrum', or English: 'Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews') placed atop the cross as ordered by Pontius Pilate and IC XC means 'Іисусъ Христосъ' (Church Slavic for 'Jesus Christ'). The reverse of the cross bears the inscription 'Спаси и Сохрани' (Russian for 'Protect and Save'[me, oh my God]) for protection from demonic attacks and negative energy. Due to the size and design of this body cross it is best suited for children and women.