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Eastern Style Orthodox Passion Cross Certified 585 (14kt) Rose and White Gold

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Orthodox Cross

  • Your Price
  • Metal:
    585 (14kt) rose gold, 585 (14kt) white gold
  • Weight:
  • Height:
    27mm | 1-1/16"
  • Width:
    15mm | 19/32"

Any Christian cross signifies the True Faith. This Orthodox crucifix made of rose and white gold has pointed tips that symbolize spearheads, and thus may be classified as a Passion cross. The cross well suited both for all Orthodox christians and for the adherents of the Greek Catholic Church*. The pendant carries numerous inscriptions in Church Slavonic: The acronym 'INЦI' ('INRI') represents 'Іисусъ Назарянинъ, Царь Іудейскій' (Latin 'Iēsus Nazarēnus, Rēx Iūdaeōrum', English 'Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews') placed atop the cross as ordered by the Roman prefect of Judaea Pontius Pilate. The acronym IC XC ('Іисусъ Христосъ') is Russian for 'Jesus Christ'). The reverse of the cross features an embossed inscription that reads 'Спаси и Сохрани' (Russian for 'Protect and Save [me, oh my God]') to ward off the evil eye and dissolve negative energy. This cross may be worn by a woman as well as by a child.

*Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is an eastern type regional Catholic Church that uses Orthodox attributes including body crosses of orthodox design. Body crosses from our collection are well suited both for Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox Christians, for the adherents of the Greek Catholic Church as well as for the adherents of all Orthodox Churches in the World.